Posted by: Tony Carson | 5 August, 2007

A White House Blogger-in-Chief?

A Democratic president would appoint a White House Blogger in Chief!

Or at least in a show of hands at the Koz convention in Chicago, they said they would.

But how might this work? Not hard to figure out:

The President had her sleeves rolled up today when she ………… (spin, spin, spin). At his cabinet meeting, the President encouraged his Secretary of Agriculture to ………… (spin, spin, spin). The President had lunch with the Prime Minster of Chad when he ………… (spin, spin, spin).

We’ll, you get the point. In a day or two the Presidential Blogger-in-Chief will so sanitize and banalize the message coming out of the White House that it will be infinitely more vacant of information than the average press conference.

And there is one major reason for this:

The people aren’t the President’s major constituent; until there is meaningful lobby reform, the corporations are. So, the President will cheerfully ignore his Blogger-in-Chief and continue to defer to the people who got him there: with her agenda.

It is almost impossible to believe that anything useful will be served by a White House Blogger-in-Chief.


  1. […] A White House Blogger-in-Chief ?  ( It’s the Indian problem all over again : you can’t appoint a leader of self-determined people ) […]

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